Unit 01 - Introduction to Biology

      1. Nature scope and importance of biology with reference to challenges faced by the mankind
      2. The nature and the organizational patterns of the living world

Unit 02 -  Chemical and cellular basis of life

      1. Elemental composition of organisms
      2. Physical and chemical properties of water important for life
      3. Chemical nature and functions of main organic compounds of organisms
      4. Contribution of microscope to the expansion of knowledge on cells and cellular organization
      5. Historical background of the cell and analyses the structure and functions of the sub cellular units
      6. The cell cycle and the process of cell division
      7. The energy relationships in metabolic processes
      8. The role of Enzymes in regulating metabolic reactions
      9. Photosynthesis as an energy fixing mechanism 
      10. Cellular respiration as a process of obtaining energy

Unit 03 - Evolution and diversity of organisms

      1. The theories of origin of life and natural selection to analyze the process of evolution of life
      2. Hierarchy of taxa on scientific basis
      3. The diversity of organisms within the Domain Bacteria
      4. The diversity of organisms within the kingdom Protista
      5. The diversity of organisms within the kingdom Plantae
      6. The diversity of organisms within the kingdom Fungi
      7. The diversity of organisms within the kingdom Animalia
      8. The characteristic features to study organisms belonging to phylum Chordata

Unit 04 - Plant form and function

      1. Structure, growth and development of plants
      2. Plant tissues systems
      3. Growth and development process of a plant
      4. The shoot architecture and light capture
      5. The process of gaseous exchange in plants
      6. Acquisition of water and minerals
      7. Process involved in transport of materials in phloem
      8. Processes of water loss in plants
      9. The modes of nutrition of plants
      10. Nutritional requirements for the optimal growth of plants
      11. Trends in life cycles, to relate the adaptations of plants for a terrestrial life
      12. Structures and functions associated with sexual reproduction in flowering plants
      13. Responses of plants to different stimuli
      14. The role of plant growth substances/regulators/hormones in response to different
      15. Response of plants to some biotic and abiotic stresses

Unit 05 - Animal form and function

      1. Relate the structure of animal tissues to their functions
      1. Nutrition in animals
      1. Human digestive system to its functions
      2. Circulatory systems in animals
      3. Basic plan of blood circulatory system and lymphatic system
      4. Gas exchange in animals
      5. Immunity 
      6. Osmoregulation and excretion