Islamic Research Union, based in Sri Lanka as a first of its kind, is a religious and educational organization that was co-founded and established by two enthusiastic and dedicated young people named Arkam Jabir and Abdur Rahman Mahdoom, hailing from Sri Lanka, on the 01st of October In the year 2019.

This organization was established with a pure intention and objective of calling people towards peace and an illuminous understanding of Islam by disseminating it with wisdom and love, with the ultimate hope of gaining the Pleasure of Allah the Most High.

Apart from its primary purpose of exhorting people towards the truth and educating Muslims as well as non-Muslims alike about Islam and clearing the misconceptions of Islam that non-Muslims have, it also aims in creating educational content in English, Tamil and Sinhala using modern digital media, publishing videos, printing books and even holding public lectures in the future In Shaa Allah.

Islamic Research Union is overseeing with a vision of being an illustrious and a global leading educational union that imparts knowledge on Islam and educating the younger generation based on firm and final evidence.

Islamic Research Union is on a mission to preach and invite people towards the truth with wisdom, peace, and love, to unite and bring out a nation with mutuality and a better understanding of Islam.

So we would like you to support us and be a part of this movement in carrying out this religious and rewarding mission.