Associated Glands

  • There are three main types of associated glands in the human digestive system:
    • Pancreas.
    • Liver.
    • Salivary glands.
      • Parotid gland.
      • Sublingual gland.
      • Submandibular gland.
  • There are two types of glands in the human body:
    • Exocrine glands - these glands have ducts to transport their secretion.
      • Salivary glands.
      • Pancreas.
    • Endocrine glands - these glands do not have or lack ducts, thereby secretions are transported through blood.
      • Pancreas.
  • Some glands in the human body exhibits both features of endocrine and exocrine glands:
    • Pancreas.
    • Stomach.
    • Liver.